Our second workshop is taking place on 22 March 2016, 1.30pm-4.45pm, at the National Museum of Scotland. The afternoon will explore methods for conducting digital cultural heritage research, and ways academics and cultural heritage professionals can think about the impact of our work.
The afternoon’s programme is :
13:30 Registration
13:45 Welcome by Jen Ross, Lecturer, Centre for Research in Digital Education, University of Edinburgh
13:50 Lightning strikes talks
14:20 Keynote: ‘Impacts and ethics in digital cultural heritage research’ Dr Jenny Kidd, Cardiff School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies (University of Cardiff)
15:10 Refreshments
15:30 Group activity
16:30 Plenary and closing remarks
16:45 Close
If you would like to attend only the DCHRN afternoon session, please let Claire Sowton know by FRIDAY 11th MARCH – claire.sowton@ed.ac.uk.