Our third workshop, and the final one in this initial series, took place on 13 May. The format was a sort of ‘dragon’s den’ – network members were invited to pitch project ideas, and get feedback from our panel of fantastic colleagues: Rebecca Bailey (Historic Environment Scotland); Professor Sian Bayne (Director of Centre for Research in Digital […]
Author: Jen Ross
Lecturer in Digital Education, Project lead on the AHRC-funded Artcasting project. Working with museum and gallery partners since 2007.
Update: please note that for organisational reasons we have moved the location of the workshop to the Moray House campus – Charteris Land room 5.02, St John Street. Date: Friday 13 May 2016, 12-4pm Venue: The University of Edinburgh, Moray House campus – Charteris Land room 5.02, St John Street. To round off our first set of […]
We were very lucky to have our second network workshop in one of the fantastic learning centre seminar rooms at the National Museum of Scotland – many thanks again to network member and NMS Head of Learning & Programmes Stephen Allen for hosting us. The workshop kicked off with a set of stimulating lightning talks: Cultural exchanges: mapping texts, travellers, tales – Anna […]
Our second workshop is taking place on 22 March 2016, 1.30pm-4.45pm, at the National Museum of Scotland. The afternoon will explore methods for conducting digital cultural heritage research, and ways academics and cultural heritage professionals can think about the impact of our work. The afternoon’s programme is : 13:30 Registration 13:45 Welcome by Jen Ross, […]
The first DCHRN workshop took place last Friday, 29 January, and feedback so far indicates it was a great success. About 30 people attended from across the University and from six cultural heritage organisations, and in the course of the afternoon we heard 13 brief ‘lightning talks’ covering topics from MOOCs to the semantic web […]
Once you have your username and password, you can log in to this site and create your profile. To do this, click your own name in the sidebar, then profile –> edit. See the screenshot below for the location of these menus. Let us know if you have any trouble with this! You can email […]
The Digital Cultural Heritage Research Network (DCHRN) will bring together colleagues from across the University to establish a professional network for researchers investigating digital cultural heritage issues. Partners from the cultural heritage sector will play a key role in the network as advisors and collaborators. Three events will take place in early 2016, each with an emphasis on collaboration and […]